Aspiring entrepreneurs can launch a homemade candle business with a focus on creating small and manageable collections. Your company’s strategy is to begin by producing five different candles at a time and gathering feedback from friends and family about which ones are most popular.

The goal of this approach is to identify the all-time favorites that will form the core of the product line as it expands over time. Once these products have been refined based on customer input, they will be taken to market through various channels including fair booths, craft shows, farmers’ markets; online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon or Etsy; or even their own website.

As part of its growth plan for expanding into new markets in future years ahead while continuing production processes unchanged throughout each stage along every step towards success – Feedback remains key! Entrepreneurs should not hesitate showcasing their products via social media platforms like Facebook where personal networks can support them spreading awareness among peers who may provide valuable opinions leading up until launch day when everything comes together seamlessly!

Check out our Soap & Candle Making Kits

Soap Making

Make Soap From Goat's Milk Base with this Kit

Candle Making

Make Candles from Cut Bottles with this Kit

Check out our Wax & Soap Melters

Our Wax Melters Make Candle Making a Breeze!