Recently, I’ve attempted to re-batch some soap, as an upgraded process from a common melt and pour method, but not as complex as making the soap from scratch. It turns out that those who say there is a little bit of science in soap making process are right. Milled soaps are made from the grated lye soap that is freshly made. The quality of the soap you started with is very important, as is the quality of fragrance which has to be specifically made for soaps.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milled soap is a way of converting lye soap to something new with the addition of other fragrances and components.
  • Good molds to consider when making this soap are lids to ice cream containers and smaller milk cartons.
  • In order to make the best soap or one that smells stronger, expect to pay a little more out of pocket as it is crucial to have better quality sources.

“Rebatched soap is made from grated-up, freshly made lye soap that has been slowly melted back down with happy scents and soft bits like milk or honey.”

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